Holly Eggers

Holly Eggers

Holly is a mother, marketing wiz, feedback guru and all round A+ person. She’s the woman that the Sarah Jessica Parker movie “I Don’t Know How She Does It” is based on.

What are primer questions?

Primers are a set of benchmark questions that are used to measure learner performance before and after a campaign.

Holly Eggers, 2 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Hand holding a megaphone

Yarno confidence surveys

Yarno's confidence survey feature introduces a new measure of learner confidence on campaign topics.

Holly Eggers, 2 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Seneca reading

Moving from training to learning

Make it Work podcast co-hosts, Karen and Lachy discuss the urgent need for upskilling due to rapid skill changes.

Holly Eggers, 2 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Yarno's first beehive report of 2024

We're excited to share the first Yarno beehive report of the year. Our buzzy little friends are working hard!

Holly Eggers, 3 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Our take on generative AI in learning content creation

We’re digging into the benefits and potential drawbacks of using AI-based tools, such as ChatGPT, in your learning content creation process.

Holly Eggers, 3 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Team-based learning whitepaper

Team-based learning whitepaper

Team-based learning is the future for a more productive, more engaged workforce. Read our whitepaper, today!

Holly Eggers, 5 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Lachy podcasting

Make it Work podcast: Building upskilling into your every day

The latest Make it Work podcast episode looks at the importance of building consistent practices for learning and upskilling your teams throughout the year.

Holly Eggers, 1 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Judge's gavel with book

New positive duty on employers. What is it and why is it important?

New changes to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 include a positive duty on employers and businesses to take a proactive approach to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Holly Eggers, 2 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Learning campaign sign

How the marketing team created a microlearning campaign.

At Yarno we love learning, too. And every couple of months we roll out an internal Yarno microlearning campaign to upskill and embed and refresh the knowledge. Each team takes it in turn to create campaigns, and this time it was marketing's turn to create a campaign.

Holly Eggers, 3 minute read
Holly Eggers
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Seneca dancing

New Admin portal. How the magic happened!

Over in marketing, we are very excited to hear about new product feature releases! And the new admin portal is looking pretty fancy. We took some time out to speak to the Product team to find out what goes on behind the scenes to make these happen.

Holly Eggers, 3 minute read
Holly Eggers
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2022 learning trends wrap up

The learning trends of 2022

Surely you know the drill by now – Yarnoers are a pretty trendy bunch. We like to stay on top of anything and everything that goes on in the world of learning, and we’re here with our annual wrap-up of the top learning trends of 2022.

Holly Eggers, 2 minute read
Holly Eggers
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What is personalised learning and why is it so important?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to learning, so having a solution that is customised to the company’s business requirements, culture and budget, plus the individual’s needs and preferences, is a much more effective way to deliver learning content.

Holly Eggers, 3 minute read
Holly Eggers
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We'd love to chat about how Yarno can benefit your business

Mark Eggers

Mark, our Head of Sales, will organise a no-obligation call with you to understand your business and any training challenges you’re facing. Too easy.