Understanding the Leaderboard, scoring + badges

In this article, we'll cover:

  • What is the Leaderboard?
  • Benefits of using the Leaderboard
  • How does scoring work?
  • What are badges?

What is the Leaderboard?

Once you have accessed the Yarno Dashboard (use this guide for more information), you will then have access to the Leaderboard. 

The Leaderboard illustrates how learners have performed in any given campaign compared to their peers. It ranks campaign participants by their scores, and teams by their average score. 

It includes data such as:

  • Learner ranks
  • How ranks have changed (have they gone up or down?)
  • Learner scores (points received from correct answers selected and regular participation)
  • Learner performance (what proportion of the questions answered were answered correctly).

NOTE: While it's always nice to come out on top, it's important to remember that getting a low score is totally fine! If you have identified knowledge gaps, that's a win.

leaderboard screenshot

Benefits of using the Leaderboard

Benefits of using the Leaderboard include:

  • Boost competition: Learners will naturally try to climb the rankings to reach a higher score than their peers. This will require increased engagement and concentrated focus, meaning the learner is more likely to process the knowledge.
  • Chart a Learner's progress: Learners can see how they have improved after each batch of questions, as well as how they have faired from campaign to campaign.
  • Gauge which teams are stronger on certain subjects: As the Leaderboard results can be filtered by team, admins can get clarity on which teams are stronger on a given subject and which teams may need further support moving forward.

How does scoring work?

A learner's score is calculated based on two key factors: correct answers and regular participation.

Correct answers:

  • If the learner answers the question correctly on the first try, then they receive maximum points for that question. Yarno will then repeat the same question to the learner in a few days, but will reward fewer points to them if they get it right on the second try. 
  • Like the image below illustrates, the more tries the Learner has, the fewer points are made available to them for a correct answer.
regular participation graph screenshot

Regular participation:

  • Whilst not as significant as answering correctly, Yarno also rewards learners who answer promptly and regularly. This is designed to encourage and incentivise regular participation, which increases the accuracy of our metrics.
  • Looking to get a high score? Check out this article for some helpful tips.

What are badges?

Learners are awarded badges when they hit targets on a Yarno campaign, including:

  • Streak badges awarded when learners have answered questions correctly back-to-back
  • Rocketeer badge awarded when the campaign duration and learner performance reach 80%.

Badges are a fun way Yarno helps encourage learners to perform at their best, and add to the gamification features motivating learners to complete Yarno campaigns.